About Us
Veranda Enterprises is the parent company to our family of brands or OUTDOOR GEAR for Kids and Adults. Made up of SnowStoppers Winter Gear for Kids. Splashy Rainwear for Kids, Treeline Winter Gear for Adults and Waterline Paddling Gloves.

SnowStoppers is a small New England family owned business which was started by some young parents who wanted to make some better mittens for their own kids.
We noticed that our kids had the same problems with their mittens that we had with our mittens when we were kids. All the mittens we tried got wet and completely soaked through and snow got in to the wrist and went up inside the coat sleeves. This resulted in cold, wet, miserable feeling hands and wrists. We thought somebody ought to make a better mitten so we had some mittens made that were waterproof and had an extra-long cuff that went way up the arm to protect the wrist from the cold snow.
We gave them away to friends, family and neighbors and everybody loved them but they wanted more sizes and different colors and they wanted gloves too. That’s how SnowStoppers® got started and the idea’s been growing ever since. We started with a mission to make better mittens but soon realized our true passion was to make it easier for kids to enjoy the outdoors.
Splashy Rainwear for Kids
Since 1990 Splashy® has been a leader and premium brand of rainwear made just for kids! Over 30 years and creator of the ORIGINAL kids One Piece Rain and Mud Suit! Jackets, Pants and One-Piece Coveralls made with a high quality waterproof nylon material that is lightweight, comfortable, breathable and affordable.
Boys and Girls Rain Jackets. Kids Rain Pants. Toddler Rain Suits.
Splashy rain gear makes it easier for kids to enjoy the outdoors all year round. With Splashy rain gear kids don’t have to stay inside when it’s raining or just because the ground is wet and muddy. Splashy will keep the kids clean and dry underneath so they can go out and play!
We were asked often if we had any mittens or gloves for adults. The answer is YES! TREELINE has you covered. From the above average warmth in the Ridge mittens to the warmth and usability of the eMitts. These area all about keeping your hands warm in the coldest of winters.
We love the outdoors and treasure the experiences we had playing outside as kids. We believe in the value of outdoor experiences and in getting closer to nature and we want to make it easier for today’s kids and adults to enjoy the outdoors.
As an avid paddler for over 30 years, I've tried many paddling gloves but haven't been happy with any of them. I've been making winter gloves for 15 years so I designed a glove specifically made for paddling.
After a substantial amount of testing and with the help of many other paddlers and talented designers, we have now created what I believe to be the best paddling gloves available anywhere. - Tim Clough - Waterline and Veranda